So I've got DDRUniv3, and like a good 360 owner I'm trying to milk every game for every gamerscore point possible. There's an achievement for "Buy all male outfits in Quest Mode." I was up to 219/240, and at that point, something weird happened. It listed Old Rocker D and Old Rocker F about three times each, then listed a bunch of stuff that was listed as "sold out", including Old Rocker D and Old Rocker F. As an experiment I bought all three Old Rocker Ds and Old Rocker Fs from the top of the menu, and they counted.
So now I've gotten to 225/240, but every time I go to the store, it's all Old Rocker D and Old Rocker F, and all of them are "sold out." Am I missing something? Do I have to do something to cause the other 15 outfits to become available? Is the game just bugged and you can't?
"After the Dance Dance Revolution, we have the Dance Dance Reactionary Purge." --NM