1. Some of the new edits I create disappear. The first time it happened, I saved and exited, then the edit was gone when I was on the next screen. Then today, I finished another one, but when I went to play it, it had just blanked the steps. Is there some way I can avoid future occurences?
2. SM consistently changes my edits to Challenge. Could it be because I've named some of them "SManiac"?
3. My computer freezes when I try to play certain songs.
4. SM crashes when I try to go into edit courses (among other functions).
QWERTYkid911: If someone posts porn, then this thread will perfectly represent the internet.
Slowpoke: Ah, so that's how He created the universe so quickly... He was hopped up on caffeine. Thanks for clearing up that philosophical mystery...
PooingCavy: (About difficulty levels) If I could make it up, it would be: Water, Soda, Coffee, Red Bull, ADHD