I'm trying to set unlocks for stepmania. I've got the unlocks.dat written out and when I boot the game up it tells me i have 90 songs and 10 unlocks. I have it set to where you have to play a certain number of songs to unlock each thing. For example I set my first song to be unlocked after you played 10 songs. The problem is Stepmania does not start you out at 0 after you set unlocks; Instead it counts every song you have played thus far. All the songs that only need like 10 or 20 songs to unlock are still in the songlist. However I changed one of them to where it needed 400 songs to be unlocked and its hidden. Is there any way to erase the scores or start the count back at 0? (I know I did a horrible job explaining this I hope I don't confuse everyone.)
Hey is for horses and your a cow!!!!!!!!!!