I wish that the next ten footer song of RevenG will be perfect.
In their song BAG, it is not as good as it looks to be... So what's the connection of the title bag when the song is composed of japanese music... They should think first. No offense...
I suggest that their next 10 footer song title will be Fade...
Scary title?
Bag-Maniac (AAA) (x1, Stealth)
Max 300 Maniac (AA)(x1.5)
Maxx Unlimited Maniac (A)
Drop Out Maniac (AA)(x3)
Max 300 Double Maniac (B)
Be For U Oni Mode (Completed)
The Legend Of Max Heavy(A)(x1.5)
Paranoia Survivor Heavy (A)(x2)
Paranoia Survivor Max Heavy(A) First Try