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This is for DDR Players who smoke
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0. PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:40 pm    Post subject: This is for DDR Players who smoke Reply with quote

When you started playing DDR were you a smoker at the moment?
one you finally got the hang of DDR did you notice that smoking had affected your health?
did you quit smoking or reduce you smoking habits once you became a regular DDR player?
If you had a choice between quitting Smoking or DDR which would you choose?
Did your overall health improved once you quit DDR?
If you are an active smoker do you smoke the same amount you used to before DDR?
Does smoking have an affect on your health in general towards DDR.
and the last question

Are NonSmoking DDR Players Better than Players Who Smoke? this question though would be if both players were playing for a long lenght of time.

if you don't smoke your opinions about your friends who do smoke and play DDR would help.

if anyDDR smokers or ex-smokers
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Legend Of Nilo
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1. PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 3:42 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I had a friend that smoked a lot in a day and when he played DDR he would get exhausted with one set.
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Beowulf X
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2. PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 4:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When you started playing DDR were you a smoker at the moment?

one you finally got the hang of DDR did you notice that smoking had affected your health?
Lord, I knew that before I ever steped onto a DDR machine

did you quit smoking or reduce you smoking habits once you became a regular DDR player?

If you had a choice between quitting Smoking or DDR which would you choose?
I'd rather quit smoking, but in all honesty, if I had to choose between the two, DDR would go. I've tried to quit before, and it's really really hard.

Did your overall health improved once you quit DDR?
Uh, what? Do you mean quit smoking? Either way, N/A.

If you are an active smoker do you smoke the same amount you used to before DDR?
I probably smoke more now

Does smoking have an affect on your health in general towards DDR.
I'm sure it does, but I couldn't say for sure, since I never played as a non-smoker

Are NonSmoking DDR Players Better than Players Who Smoke? this question though would be if both players were playing for a long lenght of time.
Depends on the players. My friend smokes, and he's ranked #4 in Minnesota.
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3. PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 6:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I started DDR before I picked up smoking. I started DDR 2 years ago and I started smoking about 1 year ago.

I feel that I can still do the same footers that I could before I started smoking. I just can't keep up the same energy level up for as long as I used to. I get out of breath faster and I can't play DDR for as long.

I would definately choose DDR over smoking. I'm just unable to quit right now.

Smoking is bad for you and hard to break, so don't start!
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lol its evan
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4. PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 7:14 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

i dont think that skill is relevant to smoker/non, but stamina is. also, anyone that tries to use smoking as an excuse for doing poorly sucks.
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5. PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:43 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

evans wrote:
i dont think that skill is relevant to smoker/non, but stamina is. also, anyone that tries to use smoking as an excuse for doing poorly sucks.

meh.. my sister is a chain smoker and i know it effects her skill because she can't do harder songs than 6 footers. She gets too winded in the middle of them. Kind of sad, really -__-

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6. PostPosted: Thu Feb 24, 2005 11:46 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Actually, quitting smoking is more of a mental thing.. if you stick to it.. you can do it! E13.gif
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J. S. Mill
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7. PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:10 am    Post subject: Re: This is for DDR Players who smoke Reply with quote

djfmf wrote:
When you started playing DDR were you a smoker at the moment?
one you finally got the hang of DDR did you notice that smoking had affected your health?
did you quit smoking or reduce you smoking habits once you became a regular DDR player?
If you had a choice between quitting Smoking or DDR which would you choose?
Did your overall health improved once you quit DDR?
If you are an active smoker do you smoke the same amount you used to before DDR?
Does smoking have an affect on your health in general towards DDR.
and the last question

Are NonSmoking DDR Players Better than Players Who Smoke? this question though would be if both players were playing for a long lenght of time.

if you don't smoke your opinions about your friends who do smoke and play DDR would help.

if anyDDR smokers or ex-smokers

When you started playing DDR were you a smoker at the moment?

One you finally got the hang of DDR did you notice that smoking had affected your health?
Not really.

Did you quit smoking or reduce you smoking habits once you became a regular DDR player?

If you had a choice between quitting Smoking or DDR which would you choose?
No idea.

Did your overall health improved once you quit DDR?
Yes it did. I started playing In the Groove which is better for you.

If you are an active smoker do you smoke the same amount you used to before DDR?
No clue, I guess about the same.

Does smoking have an affect on your health in general towards DDR.
Not that I am aware of.

Are NonSmoking DDR Players Better than Players Who Smoke?
JSB smokes.
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8. PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 7:34 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

i smoke and i can play some nine footers without hbeing exhausted. im also asthmatic so im doing pretty well
is it me or does Quasar sound....sad?
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9. PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 10:31 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

[sync] wrote:
i smoke and im also asthmatic

Your lungs must hate you... or vice versa
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10. PostPosted: Fri Feb 25, 2005 6:15 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

When you started playing DDR, were you a smoker at the moment?
Yes I was.

Once you finally got the hang of DDR, did you notice that smoking had affected your health?
D00d, I knew before I got on the pads. Going upstairs would begin to wind me, I was that bad. :/

Did you quit smoking or reduce your smoking habits once you became a regular DDR player?
Yes I did. I smoked less and less until I finally quit.

If you had a choice between quitting smoking or DDR, which would you choose?
I'd choose DDR. When I started playing, I eventually quit smoking completely for over 3 months. But since I drink too, I drank heavily for a few days .. and jumped right back into smoking.

Did your overall health improve once you quit Smoking? (Used to say DDR)
Yes it did. I was able to do 20-25 songs in a row before I had to step off the stage and rest for 5-10mins. My legs became stronger, and stamina up the yinyang.

If you are an active smoker, do you smoke the same amount you used to before DDR?
No. Though I smoke again, I am not up to my previous amount. Trying to police myself to not allow it to get that bad again.

Does smoking have an affect on your health in general towards DDR?
Yes. It weakens your lungs by coating them in tar, so that they are not able to take in oxygen as easily which limits your stamina. I get winded now after 15 songs, or maybe 10 if I play all my hard songs.

Are non-smoking DDR players better than players who smoke? (This question would be if both players were playing for a long length of time.)
Depends on the person. Smoking affects your stamina, not your ability to read arrows and move your feet. You may not be able to keep up your regular pace, but again.. it depends. In my opinion, how much you actually smoke is a major factor.

(Fixed numerous grammatical/spelling errors for next posters to copy if they want)

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11. PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 8:36 am    Post subject: ~cough~ ~cough~ Reply with quote

I am a smoker/ddr player. When i started playing ddr about a year ago (this month) I smoked about a pack a day. It didn't really affect me that much.... or so i thought. I actually managed to quit for about a month. I became exceptionally better at ddr.
After a while i gave into temptation and started smoking again.
Then a little while later i actually gave up ddr for three months. When i started again (1 months ago) i was better than ever after about a week. Now i am in the process of quitting smoking again because i am a Heavy ddr player (pun intended.....{not my weight btw}) and i recently picked up skateboarding a lot. so by the end of next week i will be smoke-free.
dodo dodo dododo dodo dodo
dodo dodo dododo dodo dodo

du du du du du du du...

da da dadada da dadada da da
da da dada da da da da... didada
da da dadada da dadada da da
dada dada da da da da da

anyone else like energizer as much as i do?
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12. PostPosted: Sat Feb 26, 2005 12:13 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I don't smoke, but everyone else at my arcade does, and they're better than me. E19.gif The guy with the most stamina at my arcade smokes, I dunno what went on there...
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Pop'n Usagi!
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13. PostPosted: Sun Feb 27, 2005 4:25 am    Post subject: Reply with quote

Miyavi_for_president wrote:
I don't smoke, but everyone else at my arcade does, and they're better than me. E19.gif The guy with the most stamina at my arcade smokes, I dunno what went on there...

It's not a case of "x smokes so he should be instantly crap at DDR". Some people naturally have more stamina than others. He would probably do even better if he didn't smoke, though.
[quote:8b1ee61c71="rampage in oct '04"]
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14. PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:37 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

Legend of Nilo wrote:
I had a friend that smoked a lot in a day and when he played DDR he would get exhausted with one set.

My friend is like that all the time but hes starting to calm down with the smoking... well at least infront of us......
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15. PostPosted: Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:02 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

If that's the case, he must be the luckiest man in the world. I've seen him pass a few sets of 9-footers then max 300, and he was barely winded. I don't know how a person that smokes could do that...
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16. PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 9:18 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dude, to u smokers who play at the arcade, please don't smoke before you play... There is this one guy who plays at the arcade that i go to and he smokes before he plays, and with all of the sweat and the stench of smoke on his clothes (and plus he doesnt shower) It is really awful. And also you can have a heart attack and die on the stage, and ruin it for the rest of us, and you dont want to do that, now do u? devil.gif
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J. S. Mill
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17. PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2005 11:00 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

dropoutextreme wrote:
dude, to u smokers who play at the arcade, please don't smoke before you play

I smoke walking to the arcade, but I don't bring cigarettes inside, that's immoral.
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18. PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 2:51 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

I smoke before I play, take smoke breaks, and after and my performance has not been hindered at all. I've passed (with decent scores) all 10-footers except LoM and PSMO.

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19. PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2005 4:19 pm    Post subject: Reply with quote

SMOKING IS BAD!!!! frust.gif frust.gif nono.gif
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