Alright... I don't know if this has been posted somewhere else. If it has, please direct me to that post. It's just that I am very interested in purchasing Drum Mania for my Japanese PS2. I've looked at the Konami and 3rd Party Drum controllers and I just don't like it how it's like a sheet of paper that's suppose to sit on your lap. There's no dementions to it! I want the Real Arcade experience. With the snares in at different heights and such. Anyway, I noticed that a lot of people are suggesting the Yamaha DTXPress Drum Set. On ebay they're going for around $500.00 with isn't bad considering how much an official DrumMania would cost. Well, I'm just curious how would I set it up to my PS2? I doubt it comes with a PS2 controller adapter. Do I just hook it up like I would a digital camera to it? How would my PS2 read it? I have absolutely no idea how it works since I know no one that owns these items. Thanks in advance!
Oh, if anyone has any other info that they think I should know about this product please post! Thank you!
Free Style - It's not about how high your combo is, or how hard the song... it's how good you look doin' it!